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Lumping Horse(Ebeg)

Ebeg a local dance art form that uses puppets Banyumas horse made of woven bamboo. Dance Ebeg Banyumas areas represent war soldier who was riding a horse. Dance depicting the valor displayed by the players Ebeg. In a presentation Ebeg will go through a unique scene that is usually placed in the middle of the show. Attractions such as known in the language with the term Banyumasan Mendhem (intrans). Players will become possessed and start doing unique attractions. Attractions such forms as: eating glass or broken glass, eat immature leaves, eating chicken that was still alive, acting like monkeys, snakes, and others.

Ebeg including art was quite calculated in terms of age. It is estimated that this type of art has existed since ancient times, exactly when humans began to embrace the flow of animism and dynamism. One corroborating evidence in the ranks Ebeg is the old art forms wuru atu intrans. Such forms is a characteristic of art that was born at the time of animism and dynamism.

Performing Ebeg usually accompanied by a musical instrument called Bendhe. This instrument has the physical characteristics such as the gong but the smaller size made of metal. As a result of cultural development and dianyumas a senipertunjukan also orentasi that in the early stages of the ritual has bergesear facilities at the performing arts business, improvement in ebeg-done soon. padaebeg arrangement which can include forms of accompaniment, refining the dance, costume or properties mostly done by artists Banyumas.

Video Lumping Horse(Ebeg)

1 comment:

Ie_chan said...

walaupun saya gak ngerti yg penting saya koment pertama

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