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National Monument or the popular or shortened by the Monas National Monument is one of the memorial erected to commemorate the resistance and the Indonesian people's struggle against the Dutch colonialists.


National Monument is located in Monument Square, Central Jakarta, was built in 1961an decade.

The National Memorial was built in the area of 80 hectares. This monument Soedarsono and diarsiteki by Frederich Silaban, with consultants Ir. Rooseno, began construction in August 1959, and August 17, 1961 was inaugurated by President Soekarno. Monument was officially opened to the public on July 12, 1975.

Monas monument, adding aims commemorate and preserve the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1945 revolution, so terbangkitnya inspiration and patriotism of this generation and the next moment.

Monas monument and the towering phallus symbolizes the full dimensions of typical Indonesian national culture. All parking cup symbolizes yoni (barn). Alu and barns are household appliances that are almost in every house the indigenous population of Indonesia.

Monument Square experiencing five times the renaming Gambier Field, Field Ikada, Merdeka Square, National Monument Square and Monument Park. Around the monument there are gardens, two ponds and some open field where the exercise. On holidays

Video Monas

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